Chori’s Sustainability Initiatives

The spirit of coexistence and co-prosperity that our first president Riichiro Ohashi maintained, which is “to develop our business for the benefit of the world and people and to always strive to grow together with our customers,” and the integrity, dignity, and compassion that has continued to support this spirit have been passed down to this present day.
As a multifaceted specialized trading company that handles fibers, textiles, and garments, as well as chemicals and machinery, Chori not only builds relationships with its clients but also engages in capital investment and production on the strength of its semi-industrial/semi-commercial business scheme. Underscoring the value of its relationships with various stakeholders around the world, the Company strives to address poverty, health, resource waste, climate change, water shortages, and a range of other global concerns. In the face of our radically changing social and economic environments, we are advancing our business in pursuit of not only the growth of the Company but also the sustainability and development of the world as a whole.
As declared in our corporate philosophy, at Chori we engage in business with sustainability at the forefront of our minds by developing environment-friendly products, conducting procurement and export control activities that ensure compliance, and establishing a system to optimize operations so that we can contribute to the realization of a better society as global citizens.

Business Environment and Chori’s Countermeasures

  Business environment Chori’s countermeasures
Climate change
  • Importance placed on reducing companies’ financial risk through measures to address climate change
Marine plastic pollution
  • Need to ensure traceability and develop a recycling system
Escalation of human rights issues
  • Global need to improve working conditions and respect human rights along the supply chain
Changes in consumer awareness
  • Increasing ethical consumption
  • Emphasis on the story behind each product

Our Approach to Sustainability


The Chori Group has established systems to ensure appropriate operations with the aim of achieving sound management and sustainable growth. The Company strives to strengthen corporate governance by complying with laws and social norms, carrying out effective and efficient business operations, and ensuring the credibility of its financial reports while positioning the Board of Directors as a body for making strategic decisions and overseeing business operations.

Establishment of Sustainability Promotion Preparatory Committee
With a view to establishing a specialized committee to promote sustainability (from fiscal 2024), as announced in Chori Innovation Plan 2025, the Sustainability Promotion Preparatory Committee was established in July 2023 to examine Chori’s basic policy on sustainability, material issues, its value creation story, and other sustainability-related matters. A working team consisting of members selected from various departments and CARAT will also be established.
CHORI Innovation Activities ("CHOI-Katsu")
We have been working to improve our employees’ operational efficiency through our Companywide CHORI Innovation Activities ("CHOI-Katsu"), established in fiscal 2013 with the aim of achieving department- and division-specific goals.

Action Policies in Fiscal 2023

  • Compliance with communication
  • Health and communication
  • Eco-friendliness and cleanliness


In establishing a management foundation aimed at achieving sustainable growth, the Chori Group recognizes the importance of taking a proactive approach to environmental issues, cooperating with business partners in CSR procurement and other activities, promoting occupational safety management, developing human resources, and contributing to the betterment of society and local communities. On April 28, 2023, we announced Chori Innovation Plan 2025, our new medium-term management plan based on VISION2030—The Company We Aspire to Be—focusing on the themes of "sustainability," "well-being," and "innovation." Under Chori Innovation Plan 2025, we will enhance our corporate value by steadily implementing our three basic strategies and becoming a corporate group that continues to evolve and change on a global scale, underpinned by our exceptional capabilities and expertise. The Sustainability Promotion Preparatory Committee will examine our strategies related to all areas of sustainability.

Risk Management

The Chori Group has established and operates its risk management regulations for the purpose of identifying potential risks in its business activities, reducing risks and preventing crises from occurring during the course of normal business conditions, establishing a system for responding to crises that may present a significant impact on its business activities, and responding promptly and appropriately to prevent the situation from deteriorating and recover and normalize the situation as swiftly as possible.

Indicators and Targets

Recognizing the ongoing need to address sustainability issues, the Chori Group has established non-financial targets in an effort to "promote ESG management," one of the basic strategies of Chori Innovation Plan 2025.

  • Expand our line of environment-friendly SDG-oriented products
  • Increase the percentage of women among career-track hires and employees who have transferred to career-track positions to over 30%
  • Increase the percentage of male employees taking childcare leave
  • Increase the percentage of women in management positions
  • Continue to acquire certification as an outstanding organization under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program
  • Invest approximately ¥5.0 billion in DX measures, including the adoption of SAP software